Essential Oils and Tips for Creating a Gallery Wall

Diffuse Young Living Common Sense™ essential oil and keep Deep Relief Roll-on handy when creating a gallery wall. Common Sense™ is a great aid when doing any kind of DIY work to help your practical streak come to the fore. And Deep Relief Roll-on™ is indispensable in case of a misplaced hammer or stepping backwards into [...]

Essential Oils and Tips for Creating a Gallery Wall2019-01-31T18:02:07+10:00

Natural Fabric Softener Tip

Add a tablespoon of bicarb of soda to your laundry powder in the washing machine for natural fabric softening. Better yet, mix a few drops of authentic eucalyptus essential oil with a tablespoon of bicarb and a dash of water.  Add this mixture to unscented natural laundry detergent when putting into the washing machine for extra [...]

Natural Fabric Softener Tip2019-01-31T18:08:57+10:00

Essential Oils for Paint Fumes

Diffuse Young Living Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend 15-30 minutes every 4 hours during and after painting to help combat fumes. If you don’t have Citrus Fresh™ on hand, Purification™ is also great, or you can make your own blend of authentic single essential oils of lemon, orange and melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree). And if you've [...]

Essential Oils for Paint Fumes2019-02-08T16:53:31+10:00

Natural Boost for Shower Cleaning with Clove Oil

For an extra fresh boost after cleaning your bath and shower, wipe down the tiles and grout with a couple of drops of clove on a cloth. Test on an inconspicuous place first. Clove oil is one of the ingredients in an effective, non-toxic household cleaning range enhanced with a blend of genuinely-pure essential oils and [...]

Natural Boost for Shower Cleaning with Clove Oil2019-02-08T16:56:39+10:00

Cleopatra’s Emergency Facial Cleanser

Run out of facial cleanser? Put a dash of warm water in a saucer of milk, dunk cotton wool and wipe over your face to remove make-up. Rinse face well. This emergency fix is gentle on your skin and comes in handy if you’re travelling, too.  Should you find at the end of a long, weary [...]

Cleopatra’s Emergency Facial Cleanser2019-02-08T16:57:32+10:00

Freshen your Laundry Hamper with Essential Oils

Put a few drops of lavender on a dry washcloth and drop it into the bottom of your empty laundry hamper to help freshness. Include with the load when washing. Lavender is a tremendous all-rounder essential oil. Fans like to call it ‘the Swiss Army Knife of essential oils’ for its versatility for a wide range [...]

Freshen your Laundry Hamper with Essential Oils2019-02-08T16:59:44+10:00

Top 3 Essential Oils for Travelling

Travelling ? Authentic lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils will cover a multitude of scenarios. To explore these essential oils further, click on each of the below for their top nine uses whether travelling or otherwise. lemon is great for cleansing, and promoting cheerfulness in the face of grumbling lavender is a ‘go to’ essential oil [...]

Top 3 Essential Oils for Travelling2019-07-29T16:08:49+10:00

Essential Oils for Decluttering : Feel Good Friday

"Out of clutter, find simplicity.” Albert Einstein (Companion oil: Young Living Joy™) There’s nothing like moving home to make you spectacularly aware of the volume of your belongings — and the mysterious power of just one small cupboard of them to fill half a dozen packing boxes. It certainly ups the ante on any half-baked de-cluttering [...]

Essential Oils for Decluttering : Feel Good Friday2019-02-08T17:03:38+10:00

How to Choose Essential Oils

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” Jim Rohn   “What would you suggest for this?” Do you hear this a lot ? When people know you are ‘into’ wellbeing-related things, like essential oils, they love asking for suggestions as to what might be a ‘good oil’ to try for [...]

How to Choose Essential Oils2019-02-08T17:04:46+10:00

Bastille Day Essential Oils : Lavender and Rosemary

Diffuse a blend of authentic lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and rosemary essential oils during your Bastille Day celebrations for a touch of France in the air. Lavender is lovely and relaxing while rosemary is invigorating and refreshing — so don’t be surprised if the conversation is especially stimulating with plenty of bonhomie. And without a hint of [...]

Bastille Day Essential Oils : Lavender and Rosemary2019-02-08T17:06:24+10:00


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