Feel Good Friday: Magnify Your Purpose

“The Perfect Day: Going to bed with a dream, waking up with a purpose.” Scott Mitchell (Companion oil: Young Living Magnify Your Purpose™) Do you know it? That ‘Eureka!’ moment when you find the Gizmo of your dreams — the one to make everything that feels wrong in your life fall into place? The coffee machine [...]

Feel Good Friday: Magnify Your Purpose2019-11-26T15:37:50+10:00

Top 9 Tips for Young Living Valor

In thinking of my top 9 tips for Young Living Valor®, I had an ‘A-ha!’ flash that if I was thinking of star signs and picking an essential oil blend to capture the essence of a Libran, represented by a set of scales, Young Living Valor® could be The Chosen One. The foundation stone of several fundamental [...]

Top 9 Tips for Young Living Valor2019-02-28T16:17:03+10:00

The Whys of Diffusing Essential Oils

For many essential oil-loving people I know, one of the biggest revelations was the moment they discovered that when you put oils in a burner, it can not only cancel out their potential benefits but can actually create toxic compounds. “But it’s so cosy and atmospheric to burn oils,” you might be saying. I’m sorry if [...]

The Whys of Diffusing Essential Oils2019-02-28T16:31:33+10:00

Feel Good Friday: Inspiration

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” Pablo Picasso (Companion oil: Young Living Inspiration™) Uh-oh.  Did I just catch you telling yourself this notion applies to those creative types — and that’s not you? It’s natural for the word ‘inspiration’ to be associated with creativity. But it’s important to look at our definitions of [...]

Feel Good Friday: Inspiration2019-02-28T16:32:36+10:00

Sandalwood Essential Oil for Yoga

Drip 1- 2 drops of authentic sandalwood essential oil onto the crown of your head to help meditative focus while doing yoga. Our preferred choice of essential oils and natural products is Young Living. Discover why we love them so much here and here. Young Living supplies Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum) as its sandalwood.  Young [...]

Sandalwood Essential Oil for Yoga2019-02-28T16:33:54+10:00

Feel Good Friday: Gathering

“Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things.” Dogen (Companion oil: Young Living Gathering™) Yesterday, we touched on the multitude of choices we face daily and how overwhelming they can be. Today’s [...]

Feel Good Friday: Gathering2019-02-28T16:37:30+10:00

Tuesday Treat: Raw Nutty Sesame Balls

Nutritionists seem pretty much on the same page when it comes to nuts nowadays. No more eeking three lonely cashews out of the jar as a rare naughty treat. High fives all around! On the contrary, nuts in moderation might help lower cholesterol, with studies finding a serve of raw unsalted nuts (around 1/3 cup or [...]

Tuesday Treat: Raw Nutty Sesame Balls2019-02-28T16:40:45+10:00

Feel Good Friday: ImmuPower

“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” Voltaire (Companion oil: Young Living ImmuPower™.) Today, we’re departing from the usual metaphysical leanings of our Feel Good Fridays and helping out those for whom feeling good today would mean not having to spend the whole weekend sniffling, coughing or aching while [...]

Feel Good Friday: ImmuPower2019-08-12T15:02:54+10:00

5 Minute Afternoon Pick Me Up

Do you have the timer running? Let’s go! It’s late afternoon, you have a big night ahead but there’s no time for a speed nap and you’re trying to stay away from harsh energy drinks. (You're a clever cookie.) Here are my three quick tips you can do in five minutes, with the help of a [...]

5 Minute Afternoon Pick Me Up2019-02-28T16:58:14+10:00

Choc-Peppermint Truffle Balls with Peppermint Oil

Back in the 70s, no dinner party was complete without big hair, groovy wallpaper and after dinner mints — you remember, those wafer-thin ones in the individual black envelopes that looked ever so discreet but vanished from the tray in a very indiscreet fashion. Today’s healthful choc-mint truffle balls might not fit into tiny waxed paper [...]

Choc-Peppermint Truffle Balls with Peppermint Oil2019-02-28T17:02:07+10:00


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