If winter is starting to wear thin, help is at hand.

Yesterday we talked about diffusing floral essential oils to bring visions of spring to mind: drifts of jasmine, geranium, lavender, and Young Living essential oil blends composed of a mixed bouquet of floral notes and feel-good constituents.

So now that you’re feeling chirpy, let’s get a jump start on an insidious intruder you won’t want to wait until spring to eradicate. And this form of preventative spring-cleaning doesn’t require any rolling up of sleeves.

Ward off mould from the inside

Mould is stealthy and can hide outside your line of sight. And its effects on health are debilitating and innocuous, including symptoms as:

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headache, anxiety, depression, memory loss, and visual disturbances
  • Immune system disturbances and fatigue
  • GI problems
  • Shortness of breath

To increase your resistance from the inside, there are some simple preventative measures you can incorporate into your everyday life — ones that make sense for overall health and wellbeing, so no harm implementing as many as you can.


Your gastrointestinal tract is your first line of defence — populate it with beneficial flora for optimal immune function.


This humble food is antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, immune system stimulant, detoxifier.


Yet another staple for your kitchen, ginger is antifungal, antibacterial, great for digestion and helps dislodge respiratory congestion.

Vitamin D

There’s research to suggest this could help against mould allergies, so add this to the list of reasons to ensure your Vitamin D is sufficient.  One of the things I love so much about Young Living OmegaGize³™ is that it not only boosts my vitamin D-3, but simultaneously tops up my omega 3 fatty acid (also thought to be helpful against mould reactions) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone).


Sometimes called ‘the master antioxidant’ because it synergises and maximises all the others, glutathione is found in high quality whey protein.  Look for an organic one from grass-fed cows. According to Dr Dan Purser, thyme oil has been shown to help healthy glutathione levels. You’ll find this in Young Living Longevity™ capsules. Longevity™ is a potent blend of fat-soluble antioxidants thanks to its essential oils of thyme, orange, and frankincense. It also contains clove, clinically proven to be effective against mould, so it gives a double-punch!

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Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Now that we’ve handled the nutritional side of things to bolster your defences from the inside, next step: tackling mould from the outside! Click here for the final post in our series for fast-tracking spring and we’ll also talk about something that works like magic to lighten the cleaning load.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.