“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” Bishop T D Jakes

(Companion oil: Young Living Magnify Your Purpose™)

I was talking with a friend the other day who said, “I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”

We had a good laugh over it, but it led us to talking about aging and retirement, and a friend of his who had thrown himself into his work all his life then within a couple of months of retiring, had a massive heart attack with no previous history of ailments and passed away.

This was a man who had no hobbies or passions outside of his work.  At his funeral, his friends pondered on whether he simply didn’t know what to do with himself once he no longer had somewhere to be each day, so his heart gave out.

They might have been onto something.

According to this article in Time Magazine and research quoted from the Lancet, there’s a strong correlation in the older population between wellbeing and having a strong sense of purpose.

Along with that, it’s fair for us to deduce that it’s essential not just to have a sense of purpose, but to stay aligned with that sense of purpose and do things that resonate with you daily (or as regularly as you can). Perhaps it’s even more stressful if you have a keen sense of purpose but don’t take actions that support it.

Living authentically and true to your purpose is vital at any age, not just when you’ve stopped working full-time at a career. As part of beyondblue‘s resilience programme for young Australians aged 12 – 18 years “to enhance and maintain emotional and psychological resilience,” there are ‘SenseAbility’ modules on discovering and developing a sense of purpose.

With 3 million Australians living with depression or anxiety, the more we can focus on prevention and empowering people with tools that help them to build their resilience and manage stresses when they come along, the better.

Discovering your purpose and using that as your compass through life is valuable beyond measure.

If you haven’t yet put your finger on yours, today’s quote gives a powerful starting point. Look at your passions then dig deeper into them. Is there a commonality among them? How do they make you feel?

Here are just a few resources that can help you figure it out:

How to Find Your Life Purpose: An Unconventional Approach (Leo Babauta, Zen Habits)

Six Exercises to Uncover your Purpose (Dr. Robert Holden)

How to Find Your Life’s Purpose and Make Yourself a Better Person (Kevin Wood)

Once you get a sense of your purpose, Young Living Magnify Your Purpose™ is an ideal tool to help you stay on track and keep your commitment strong. It includes these single essential oils:

  • sage (used traditionally for dispelling negativity and very appropriately; also the name for a profoundly wise person)
  • sandalwood (high in sesquiterpenes and used to enhance yoga and meditation)
  • patchouli (often thought of as a ‘hippy oil’ thanks to the 60s; promotes relaxation and letting go of insecurities)
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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Magnify Your Purpose™ makes a great oil for your USB diffuser while you’re working (available from Young Living, click the order button above or contact me for assistance). You can also inhale it straight from the bottle, or blend with a little pure carrier oil and apply on your heart and tummy. As always, follow the label and guidelines for safe use.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.