“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”  Alphonse Karr

(Companion essential oil: Young Living White Angelica™)

Have you deleted any friends from your address book lately?

According to commonly accepted and championed Theories of Negativity, our attitude, wealth and outlook is heavily swayed by the handful of people we spend most of our time with.

And if any are negative Nellies, we’re urged to reduce the amount of time we spend with them or send them off into the sunset.

This is pretty easy to do with people who have no joy and seek to share it with the world. If somehow you’ve ended up with someone in your life whose manner and attitude is toxic — always complaining and criticising, looking for the worst in things, putting people down and belittling — those people bring no happiness to your life and quietly moving on from their company is a wise move.

But if you have a friend whose heart is good and you’re mostly rather fond of their company in spite of some ongoing negativity, it’s important to know the difference between minor grizzling and a toxic personality. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

That’s all well and good but how do we make peace with their ‘downer’ vibes and not let it affect our own chirpy cheer?

From experience, you might know full well that trying to dissuade or jolly up someone in a negative frame of mind often falls on deaf ears. They might nod in all the right places but you can tell they are in for the long haul and nothing you say is going to shake them out of their whine-fest. If it’s a temporary lapse, you might be a good friend by allowing them the space to wallow. Sometimes we need a patch of self-pity time to just get it all out there and once we’re fed up with our own company, we can shake ourselves off and get on with things again.

If you opt to stick around for the venting and it happens regularly, you might find it helpful to tell them up front that you’re ok with them getting it off their chest but you’d like their permission to contain it by putting a timer on it. Once the timer goes (you decide what you can comfortably endure), you can call a time-out and talk about something positive that’s happening in your world. Or anywhere in the world! Leading by example and focusing on shining your own light rather than trying to preach or give advice is one of the most uplifting and effective ways to lead others out of their dark patches.

When you’re feeling rock solid in your own positivity and self-esteem, it’s pretty easy to shake off other people’s negativity and not take it on board ourselves. But even so, it can feel heavy and exhausting and leave some gritty residue.

By increasing and strengthening our own aura, we can more easily stay centred and let the whines and gripes fall harmlessly away. It doesn’t mean we need to voluntarily stay immersed in them, but when it’s hard to walk away due to circumstances of the present moment, fortifying your sense of strength and wholeness in your self will help you to stay balanced and not be knocked off your compass or feel depleted.

For an essential oil guardian when heading into a Sea of Intranquility, I can’t go past Young Living White Angelica™. (Give me a Hoi if you’d like to order.) This blend has a very gentle and delicate scent that imparts a sense of quiet calm and fortitude in oneself. It includes the essential oils of:

  • rosewood (high in linalool with an empowering, grounding and uplifting effect)
  • melissa (evokes gentleness and brings gladness to the heart)
  • angelica (helps let go of negative feelings)
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This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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White Angelica™ can be diffused or inhaled directly from the bottle. Please respect how precious and pure these oils are and do not consider putting them in an oil burner. That kind exposure to direct heat damages the delicate molecules that have been so carefully nurtured throughout Young Living’s Seed to Seal® process and you won’t get the experience you’ve been hoping for. (You can find out more about diffusing here.)

You can also put a couple of drops of White Angelica™ in your palms and apply to your shoulders, up the centre of your back and on the crown of your head.   Inhale, exhale and go to your happy place.

As always, use the label as your guide and follow the usual steps for safe essential oil use.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.