“When you have peace in yourself and accept, then you are calm enough to do something, but if you are carried by despair, there is no hope.” Nhat Hanh

(Companion oil: Young Living Peace & Calming®)

Do you have a ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ mug at home ? A poster ? Or maybe you have one of the multitude of variations on the classic original that people have been having fun playing around with. Some are thoughtful, some are hilarious and some are downright irreverent.

If you were wondering where it originated, it’s a great story.

The poster was designed by the British Ministry of Information in 1939 along with two other posters in anticipation of keeping up morale during the Second World War.

The first two, ‘Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring Us Victory’ and ‘Freedom is in Peril’ were produced and splashed across Britain. The ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ poster, however, was only to be issued if Britain was invaded by Germany or in similar dire circumstances. That calamity didn’t come to pass, and virtually all of those ‘Keep Calm’ posters sitting in storage were pulped unseen by the public.

Fast forward nearly six decades, and the owners of a bookshop named Barter Books happened upon one in a dusty box of old books from an auction.. They loved it, framed it and put it by the till. People asked how they could get a copy — and the rest is history.

It became such a phenomenon, we can be in no doubt as to how much it resonates with people. Whether it’s due to the beauty of the overall design or the simple yet poignant nature of its message, who knows. But certainly the word ‘calm’ carries a world full of hope. As does the word ‘peace’.

I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t want more peace and calm in their lives. Maybe the most enlightened souls on the planet are contented with theirs. I don’t know about you, but I’m not at that point yet ! And when it comes to feeling peaceful and calm, I don’t know if there’s such a thing as overdosing on it anyway.

Of course, if you have kids, settling them down before they go to bed or after a truckload of overexcitement is another all-too-common scenario. Chances are, it makes your own stress levels rise. Not a great situation for anyone in the equation !

But if the idea of pouring peace and calm out of a bottle sounds good to you (and I’m not talking about medicinal brandy !), reach for Young Living’s beautiful essential oil blend named Peace & Calming®. 

It’s one of their loveliest blends and that’s high praise indeed, given how amazingly effective all of them are.  It’s also one of their oldest formulations. I’d love to know how many adults, children and animals it has soothed over the time — not to mention nights of sound slumber that might not otherwise have been.

If you haven’t yet experienced it, you’re in for a treat with its sweet and gentle fragrance and the deep sense of peace it instils.

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And if your interest is piqued by the mention of calming down animals, here’s a great tip for you to try if you have horses (or any pets or large animals) that get agitated from time to time.

Put a few drops in the palms of your hands, rub gently together then smooth them over your clothes before you approach the animal. This alone has been found to cause a remarkable shift in their energy. (It works on children, too.)

If you’re thinking of trying this with a horse ahead of some kind of high-performance activity, test it out in practice sessions, just in case it creates such a relaxed state, your Neddy wants to relax in the paddock ! Experiment with exposing your horse to the smell of Peace and Calming® say half an hour before your activities. Monitor and adjust the time frame according to the response. You might want to keep a separate over-shirt dedicated to this. You’re looking for enough relaxation to put your horse into a receptive and calm state, but not so much that he or she wants to chill out for the rest of the afternoon if you have an afternoon of dressage championships ahead !

For adults and kids, massaging a drop or two onto the bottoms of the feet before bedtime is a wonderful routine, no matter what kind of day you’ve all had. And diffusing it around the home or in the bedrooms for half an hour before bedtime is also a great way to use it.

You can read our Top 9 Tips for Peace and Calming® by clicking here.

Oh, and another important tip: if you’re reading in bed after inhaling or rubbing on some Peace and Calming®, choose a light, thin paperback. If you’re anything like me, you’ll wake up with the book planted on your face in the morning. War and Peace leaves a heck of a crease!

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use.