When I was a youngster, I read a lot.  I’ve never stopped!

I’ve always had a thirst for learning.  And books are awesome for education and learning, not to mention entertainment, too.  I’m so glad hard copy books are still alive and well, in spite of declarations of their pending extinction when downloading them digitally first became all the rage.  For me, reading on a device is well and good when travelling – very handy, indeed – but being able to switch off from electronics and enjoy the tactile nature of engaging with a book with your hands, feeling the pages between your fingers: that’s a pleasure like none other.

Whether you only read non-fiction or pure escapism into a gripping novel is what you love the most, when you use essential oils while you’re engrossed in this valuable and peacefully productive way of passing the time, you’ll absolutely love how it feels!  And diffusing them is so easy.

Select your pick of essential oils for your diffuser, turn it on and the micro-fine mist laden with beautiful oil molecules will hang in the air for you to inhale, sending them directly through your olfactory system to the seat of your feelings and emotions.  These potent gifts of nature will oxygenate and energise you, putting you into a relaxed and receptive state for absorbing information and keeping your attention where you want it to be.

If you don’t believe us, do your own experiment.  Read for 15 minutes without having used any essential oils for several hours.  When the timer goes off, reflect and pay attention to how much your mind wandered, how many times you had to go back and re-read entire paragraphs, how much you can recall of what you’ve just read.

Then read for 15 minutes with your diffuser misting your chosen oil nearby.  When the timer goes off, do the same assessment of the quality and pleasure of your reading experience.  How did you go?  What did you observe?  If I was a betting man and if you’re anything like me, you loved the result.  And best of all, there is zero harm in giving it a try!  At the very least, you’ll enjoy the pleasure of these beautiful fragrances in the air.  And if you get more reading enjoyment and value than you would without using oils, even better.

You can diffuse these for all the family to enjoy.  Have you thought of sitting down together at night for a reading session instead of watching telly?  Imagine if you substituted just one hour of screen time per night with reading before bed.  It’s surely one of the most positive daily routines your whole family can have.

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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essential oils for reading, young living envision

Here’s more info on our Top Six Young Living single essential oils and blends to add to your reading ‘playlist’:


Young Living Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) herbaceous and fresh, this culinary gem is known as the herb of remembrance with good reason.  This is a beautiful one to diffuse during the day when you want your mind to be energised and awake.

Young Living Clarity™ essential oil blend includes oils that are highly esteemed and researched for their positive influence when studying and needing to stay on track.  These include basil, rosemary (see above) and cardamom.  Also a great ‘daytime’ combo, it has a delicious spicy-sweet fragrance that stays so well in your scent memory, it helps with associating and recalling things you’ve experienced while inhaling this blend.

Young Living Brain Power™ was formulated as the name says.  And when you’re reading to expand your brain power, how awesome to be able to choose an oil with the same purpose in mind.  It includes a number of oils that are high in sesquiterpenes, which are helpful for uplifting and energising your noggin.


Young Living Brain Power™ – yes, this one’s awesome for reading at bedtime as well as reading during the day!

Young Living Gathering™ helps to gather scattered thoughts and create harmony to ward off chaotic energies and receive communications and messages in ways that we can understand and use for our betterment.  It includes galbanum, frankincense and sandalwood: all wonderful for enhancing meditation and galbanum is thought to increase in frequency when combined with these other spiritual oils.  When reading books of a reflective nature – where you are drawn to going within and seeking wisdom – this blend is especially beautiful.

Young Living Cedarwood (Cedrus atlantica) is warm, cosy and comforting.  Also great for your hair and scalp, add a few drops to a teaspoonful of Argan oil and give yourself a scalp massage before reading in bed (put the diffuser on a timer) for a peaceful prelude to sleep.


Young Living Envision™ stimulates creativity and receptivity to new ideas.  If the book is well written, you’ll be carried away anyway to wherever the author is taking you.  But diffusing Envision™ might well amplify the fun!  Including spruce, geranium and rose, you’ll also love this blend for its delicately beautiful perfume and ability to help you envisage your dreams.

Essential oils are potent, so as always, please follow directions on the bottle and the usual guidelines for safe use of authentic essential oils.

Please ensure you are choosing a brand with complete transparency from seed to seal, such as Young Living.  You can learn in this short video why we only ever recommend and choose Young Living oils and love them so much!

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To join and order from Young Living, please click Order Here.

This will also connect you up with The Good Oil Team for our personal support and coaching. We'd love to help you on your journey to vibrant well-being the natural way!

Any questions? Please get in touch via our Contact page.

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Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. We make commissions from sales via many of the products we recommend but we only suggest products we genuinely enjoy and want you to benefit from.  Product images used with permission © Young Living Essential Oils. Reading book girl image by StockSnap from Pixabay