As everyday people in everyday lives, we simply turn on a light switch to enjoy the comforts electricity offers us ~ we don’t have to understand how electricity is generated in order for that to happen.

And so it was in ancient times, when essential oils were used for health and wellbeing because people knew them to work. They did not need to understand the science and chemistry of how they work in order to be soothed, inspired, energised, relaxed and mended by them.

Nor do we.

But over time, with the rediscovery of the value of essential oils and the development of science and instruments to analyse and quantify, the chemistry of essential oils and their constituents has become the focus of understanding how they work: which of their constituents are responsible for particular benefits and why. And this is incredibly useful in terms of helping people who like to know how and why things work in order to trust that they do indeed work. {I encourage you to do as much research as you’re moved to do. You’ll find there is an immense wealth of science to help reassure you and back up the anecdotal evidence.}

And so, in keeping with conventional medical research, the explanation of essential oil efficacy has been largely based on the pharmacology of isolated chemical components. While there are pluses to understanding the isolated constituents, this can cloud thinking and have us overlooking the fact that essential oils and other secondary plant metabolites are part of living — part of nature.

Our earlier understanding of essential oils was based on the Newtonian theory, but with our growing understanding of quantum physics, biology and epigenetics it is now realised that essential oils are a key ingredient of life itself.

As such, it’s important that we stop trying to explain the action of essential oils solely by the same method used to explain the action of pharmaceutical drugs. It’s also crucial to understand that synthetically produced or modified essential oils are basically mimicking drug science.  {More on that in this short video.

And so, we come to Albert Einstein’s philosophy.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.         Albert Einstein


Authentic essential oils are totally different from drugs and synthetic oils, and they work in different ways.

As part of our culture, drugs are designed to fight — pathogens, cancer, infections and whatever else deemed necessary.

But an essential is shaped by the plant to interact with its surroundings to create balance. Authentic essential oils are produced by the whole plant organism and their constantly varying composition reflects the interaction of the whole plant with its environment.

Drugs are generally single component preparations designed for specific targets.

But essential oils have multiple components with wide-ranging action.

Pathogens find it easy to develop resistance to a single-component drug, as well-evidenced.

But research to date shows they find it impossible to develop a resistance to multi-component essential oils.

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With the wealth of knowledge now at our fingertips on the known benefits of essential oils, perhaps the greatest challenge with using essential oils today is not so much understanding Why they are so wonderful ~ but ensuring you are sourcing authentic ones of the highest quality.

We choose Young Living’s essential oils. I’ve explained why in this short video. Please check it out for yourself. And when you’re ready to access our favourite essential oils, we’d love to help you. You can click here to find out more.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. Image © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission