There are many reasons why I choose Young Living’s essential oil products. You can read about them here or watch this video to discover why in more detail.

But for those who like to know how legendary stories begin, here is Young Living’s.

Once upon a time in 1993, Gary Young developed his first organic herb farming and distillation operation. Back then, Gary had already discovered the incredible power of essential oils, but because the quality of available oils varied so greatly, he’d been unable to fully harness their potential.

While Gary Young knew pure essential oils had the ability to produce spectacular results, he found that the chemically altered or adulterated oils on the market were often ineffective and even harmful. But Young Living changed all that.

As Gary developed more farmland in Utah and Idaho, he began cultivating lavender, peppermint, melissa, clary sage, and many other herbs. Fueled by a growing demand for pure essential oils, Young Living designed and built the largest, most technologically advanced distillery for the production of essential oils in North America. At the same time, Young Living developed the groundbreaking Young Living Therapeutic Grade standard, which preserves the integrity and potency of natural essential oils.

Today, Young Living has grown to become the world leader in essential oils and wellness solutions. Headquartered in Lehi, Utah, with offices in Australia, Europe, Canada, Japan and Singapore, as well as farms around the world, Young Living stays true to Gary Young’s original vision. And with its unwavering dedication to essential oil purity, Young Living has inspired millions of people everywhere to experience nature’s gifts of wellness and harmony, to create abundance as Young Living distributors, and to discover new opportunities for lifelong transformation.

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If you’d like to learn more about joining Young Living via The Good Oil Team, click here to get in touch with me directly or if you’d love to start ordering their products, you’ll find what you need here.

Enjoy the good oil daily.

The information on this site does not constitute advice. Please consult with your health practitioner. When using any of the products mentioned throughout this site, please be sure to read the labels and follow their suggestions for safe use. Image © Young Living Essential Oils | Used with permission .  This article is a derivative work from their About page.